Welcome to all! EX5Tech is your place on the web for information,
discussion, and resources for the Yamaha EX5/7/R series of synthesizers.
Our forums are the lifeblood of the site, with a terrific crowd of
knowledgeable and helpful people. Come and join in by clicking the "discussion"
button above.
Latest and Greatest:
Halloween Ghoul 8 - Final EXecution

- This year's spooky sound collection from Ski, Derek, Torus, JW, Jim, and EX5Tech.
Thirteen new original WAVES, built from 101 custom Samples, and lots of frightening Voices!
Halloween Ghoul 8 is again a cumulative release, containing sounds from all previous years'
Halloween Ghoul collections. We hope you'll find it useful in scaring the neighborhood kids,
and maybe a few of the adults, too! Don't miss it.
CLICK HERE to read additional details on the discussion forums.
ex.factory v5.0 is here!

- Latest version of the Java based Voice librarian for the EX from our
own Derek Cook. This version has several new features.
CLICK HERE to read more about ex.factory, just one of the dozens of
AMAZING free resources available at EX5Tech.
EXplorEX v1.0

- A great .S1V Voice Info/Auditioning Utility for the EX, from EX5Tech's Jim Attfield.
CLICK HERE to visit the forum topic and learn more about EXplorEX.
Analog Monster - A huge AN Voice collection for the EX5/R/7 - now available!

- This soundset was an EX5Tech community project spearheaded by marcE, with Voice programming
contributions from a total of eleven members.
CLICK HERE to read more about Analog Monster on the EX5Tech discussion forums.
Yamaha CS-80 Brass for the EX5

- Recreate one of the best all-time sounds ever from Yamaha's mightiest analog polyphonic
synthesizer. With this release, you get 21 Samples, 3 EX Waves, and 16 Voices of heavenly
CS-80 Brass for your EX5. Available in the EX5/R/7 files section at AMPFEA.
CLICK HERE to discuss in the forums.
JW's "Rapman"

- YO! The world's first Casio Rapman soundset for the EX5! This is a GREAT release from
none other than John Westwood... well, yes, he got by with a little help from his friends!
Be sure to check this one out.
CLICK HERE to read additional details on the discussion forums, and
to feed JW's ego a bit so that he'll do another one!
sscsss (Simple Single Cycle Sample Set Synthesizer) v2.0

- From EX5Tech member "drb" (David Baker), sscsss is a very cool additive synthesis utility that
builds EX WAVE (.S1M) files based on the harmonics and other parameters that you specify.
CLICK HERE to read further details in the discussion forums, and
to drop drb a word of thanks!
Mick's 16!

- Recreate the sounds of the SY85 on your EX with this OUTSTANDING Sample/Voice collection
from EX5Tech member Mick Norman.
CLICK HERE to read additional details on the discussion forums, and
don't forget to drop Mick a word of thanks!
Ski BOATS: Best Of... And Then Some

- Four banks of the very best old and new EX Voices from Ski.
CLICK HERE to join in on the discussion.
Note that in order to download files from the
EX5Tech Exclusive Downloads Page, you must be a registered member of the
EX5Tech discussion forums.
EX5Tech Site Statistics from 6/27/2001 through 10/26/2004:
- Total Visits: 718,646
- Average Visits per Day: 591
- Total Page Hits: 14.2 million
- Total Visitors: 129,746 (based on unique IP addresses)
- Total Discussion Forum Page Hits: 2.2 million
- Discussion Forum Page Hits per Day: 1,795 (!)
- Total Discussion Forum Posts: 36,870
Previous News:
2003/11/07 -
Yamaha CS-80 Brass for the EX5
- A very nice CS-80 Brass EX WAVE consisting of 21 samples across the length of the
keyboard. Comes with 16 authentic Voices, too. Available from AMPFEA in the EX5/R/7
files section.
2003/10/31 -
Halloween Ghoul 4 - Nightmare on Solina Street
- This year's spooky sound set, including a 1 MB sample set from the
Eminent Solina / ARP String Ensemble. Available on the EX5Tech Exclusive Downloads page.
2003/09/08 -
ex.factory v3.2 - The latest version of Da'Cook's outstanding EX
librarian/editor is here, with MANY new features (again)! As always,
ex.factory is available on the EX5Tech Exclusive Downloads page.
2002/12/21 -
ex.factory v3.1 - The latest version of Da'Cook's outstanding EX
librarian/editor is here, with MANY new features (again)! As always,
ex.factory is available on the EX5Tech Exclusive Downloads page.
2002/11/26 -
JW's "Rapman" - YO! The world's first Casio Rapman soundset for the EX5!
This is a GREAT release from none other than John Westwood. Rapman is
available on the EX5Tech Exclusive Downloads page.
2002/10/31 -
Halloween Ghoul 3 - Night of the Singing Dead - This year's creepy sound collection
from Ski, Da'Cook, Torus, and John Westwood.
Halloween Ghoul 3 includes a 1 mb .S1M WAVE file with samples of the Mellotron Male and
Female Choirs, along with a Moog Modular sample. We think you'll find it spooktacular!
Get it from the EX5Tech Exclusive Downloads page.
2002/09/21 -
Yet even more FREE STUFF for your EX EXperience! This time, it's some eye candy,
a cool geeky utility, and another outstanding Voice/Sample set.
The stunning EX5Tech "Sunburst" Logo from Torus is now available in its
full resolution (4150x844) glory.
sscsss (Simple Single Cycle Sample Set Synthesizer) v1.0 from EX5Tech member
"drb" (David Baker) lets additive synthesizer freaks build EX .S1M WAVE files from
specified harmonics.
Mick's 16! recreates the sounds of the SY85 on your EX thanks to EX5Tech
member Mick Norman. All three are available from the EX5Tech Exclusive Downloads page.
2002/07/28 -
A few long overdue changes to the main site pages have been made over the past couple weeks.
We cleaned out several outdated links, and links pointing sites no longer containing
EX info/resources. We also populated the "Links" section on the info page with quite a
few new links, including some to EX5Tech member pages. So go check them out! Also, we have a new
"ROM Replacement Guide" page, with an image and info from Yamaha UK's ROM replacement
instructions, thoughtfully provided by EX5Tech member Jim Attfield. Thanks Jim!
Mouse over the "Departments" menu at the top of this page to access the new Links info and
ROM Replacement Guide.
2002/06/26 -
Lots of new Free Stuff! OK... We're bad for waiting so long to
post any news in this table, but lot's of new free Voices and Utilities
have been made available recently. Most significant is Da'Cook's excellent
ex.factory v3.0 EX Voice Librarian. This is a milestone release for
ex.factory, with support for all EX file formats, the ability to convert
AN1x format Voice files to EX format, plus much more.
CLICK HERE for additional details and discussion.
2001/09/11 -
America and the free world are attacked by barbaric terrorists. Hijacked
airliners are crashed into both World Trade Center towers in New York,
and into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Thousands of children,
women, and men are murdered. Hundreds of additional brave souls are
lost in rescue efforts. |
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is back up at www.ampfea.org/sln/.
Welcome back, Jay! |
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new releases from Yamaha and Eric added to the "EX5Tech Exclusive
Downloads" page. |
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Exclusive Downloads" page added. Visit the discussion forums
for details. |
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and get it: EX5/7/R Files Download at http://ampfea.cofa.unsw.edu.au/EX/.
Many thanks to Nigel for his services. |
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topped 200 members, and are averaging 3,500 page hits
per day! |
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page hits on the forums, and 93 members in our first 48 hours! |
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Boards are back online! |
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is changing hands! |
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internal harddrive diagrams |
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RM1X and Ex5 tutorial |
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Internal HD article |
• · • · • · • Contact Us • · • · • · •
Ski, Torus, and Derek
For EX5 related questions and comments, please
click here
to post a topic on the discussion forums. If you're experiencing problems registering and/or
logging on to the discussion forums, please read the paragraph at the top of the main forum summary
page that starts with "NEW MEMBERS -". If you still have problems, please send an email to:
ex5techteam at ex5tech dot com Thanks!
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